Monday, July 28, 2014

Future DIY Projects

This summer I have taken a break from DIY projects.  My second son is preparing to serve a full time mission for our church and it has taken all my efforts to help him get the necessary shopping and planning done.  He will be leaving in a few weeks and my other boys will be going back to school so I will be starting up on DIY projects around the house.  Now I just have to narrow down what to take on first.  I have a limited budget and the outdoor projects have to be done before the snow flies, which in Nebraska can be as soon as October.  I would love to have your opinion.  Should I take on the lousy kitchen counter-tops, refinish my table, or do an outside project?  I have to decide whether I am going to do home upgrades, or fun recipes as my next obsession.  Let me know what you prefer:)

Here are some things I found on Pinterest that interest me...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What a great Photographer!

I have a high school friend who is also an excellent photographer.  I highly recommend his work.  Check it out...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Colored Powder Birthday Template

Free Printable Birthday Invitation Template
Click on Image to Save to Computer

How To Host The Perfect Birthday Party for a Teenager In 3 Easy Steps

I made my own colored powder and I bought some so I could see if there was a big difference.  The powder I made needed more color so I learned my lesson.  I am still convinced that I could save money by making my own, but next time I will add more food coloring to the powder.

What you will need:

Step 1.  Colored Powder
Step 2. Shaved Ice
Step 3. Glow in the Dark Bracelets

After the throwing was over everyone still had a lot of color on their hands so they rubbed it off on the birthday boy.

We hired a Shave Ice trailer to give out Hawaiian Shave Ice at the party.  It was a huge hit.

Friends, Colored Powder, Shaved Ice, what more could you want in a Party?

The Birthday Boy Loved the Super Sized Mixed Flavored Treat

As soon as it was dark, we got out the glow in the dark bracelets we had purchased from Oriental Trading Company.  Then we played dodge-ball with the bracelets.  You throw the bracelets at the opponent.   Even the little kids played this game.  It was so much fun!

Monday, June 2, 2014

How To Make Your Own Colored Powder

Mix cornstarch, water and food coloring in a kitchen aid until well blended.
Then pour into a baking dish and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

The powder will dry into a very soft brick.
Blend it up to a fine powder in a blender or food processor.

Measure Powder into 1/2 cup portions and put in sandwich bags.

I used the fold over sandwich bags because they are 

so cheap and I have a sealer.

I put wrapping paper around a Cheetos box to store the colors in
so it would be easy for many hands to grab a bag and go quickly.

Feel Free to Copy and Print Recipe 

How to Host The Perfect Party for a Teenager

What Makes A Perfect Surprise Birthday Party For a 15 Year Old Boy
Of Course A Color War

Color Powder War

Shave Hawaiian Ice

Color Powder Everywhere

All The Fun is Played Out on a Sand Volleyball Court

Now You Are Talking
Extra Large Shaved Ice for the Birthday Boy

Thank You Hug For Mom

Time For a Break Before the Night Games Start

After Dark We Played Dodge Ball With Glow Bracelets.
The Laughter Didn't Stop All Night.

Monday, May 5, 2014

How to Host A Star Wars Themed Party

The Party Was On May 4th.  
May The Fourth Be With You!

I love Star Wars and there is nothing more fun than hosting a Star Wars party.  Dress up in your favorite Star Wars costume, and fix your hair Princess Leia Style.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Quote of the Day - Light

If you are not meant to have a midnight snack, then why is there a "Light" in the refrigerator?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Train Up a Child - Guest Post by Sara Westbrook

Thank you Sara for this wonderful guest post.

You are such an awesome writer and great sister!

I believe in quality time. As the youngest of nine children, time, with my parents, was often in short supply, but my dad still made it a priority to spend time with each of us. Dad worked long hard hours Monday through Saturday which meant he couldn't take me to ice cream or skating at the rink. Instead, he would come home and say, “Sara, come take a ride with me in my pickup.” I would go hop into his fire engine red pickup, that always smelled like pine tree air fresheners, and away we’d go. He was still working when he invited me on these rides, but I didn't mind. It didn't matter where we went or what we did as long as we were spending time together. I loved riding with my dad in the pickup.  
Frequently, when I rode with my dad, he struggled to stay awake.  He got up so early each morning that staying alert was sometimes a tricky endeavor. On those occasions, as dad drove, we sang songs at the top of our lungs.  We sang “Loaded sixteen tons and what do you get, another day older and deeper in debt…” Dad’s booming voice would hit every low note. Often, we talked about the gospel. Dad loved the scriptures and knew them inside and out. I could ask him any gospel question I could think of, when I rode in that pickup, and he always had an answerIn the truck, there were no distractions. We didn't listen to the radio for amusement, we simply entertained each other. 
We usually traveled to a potato field Dad needed to check on. As we tramped across the dusty spud fields trying to keep from tripping on the vines, Dad taught me about potato yields, fertilizer and the importance of not over-watering. But, more importantly, he taught me about hard worklove, and the importance of making time for one another.  He taught me to believe in quality time and to recognize that spending these quiet moments in the pickup and the fields together really equaled big moments. The time spent with Dad, in his truck, allowed me to see what kind of man my father truly was. He took the time, even though he had to work, to get to know me, to teach me, and to love me. He taught me to believe in quality time.